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Brain Imaging Comedians

Jul 30

1 min read




Back when HaHator founder, Ori Amir, was a doctoral student he ran an experiment scanning comedians' brains while they engaged in joke writing. While Ori did his PhD at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles he spent many nights in Hollywood bars and comedy clubs performing stand up comedy. At USC Ori worked in a neuroscience lab with access to an MRI machine (that's an actual picture or Ori in that MRI machine).

He discovered that certain brain areas in in the temporal lobes where information from across the brain converges are also the areas underlying humor creativity. Writing jokes often involve the linking of remote associations meaningfully which requires such convergence of information. Professional comedians had greater activation in this region compared to amateur comedians and "civilians" with no experience performing comedy. Even more striking: the more these areas were activated the funnier were the jokes.

On the other hand, areas in the prefrontal cortex (around the forehead) that are responsible for control over the creative though process were less activated in professional comedians. You may have heard improv coaches advising "get out of your head" - well, that is what they meant neuroscientifically speaking.

Jul 30

1 min read





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